Tarot as a way of life (a Jungian Approach to the tarot)

§@ŠĖ: Karen Hamaker-Zondag
This book shows you how to use the cards to guide your life. You can do a life reading, or an annual reading. You can work with the symbols to solve a problem, or for long-range insights into where you are going with your life. Hamaker-Zondag includes working with dreams, visualization, the I Ching, color and number combinations, mythology, and all kinds of traditional symbolism, to make it easy to understand the tarot! And when the tarot is easy to understand, it easy to use. This book is made for working with the Waite tarot deck (originated by A.E. Waite, drawn by Pamela Coleman Smith, and originally published by Rider & Co.). It can also be used with the new Universal Waite Tarot deck published by u.s. Games.

For enquiries and order, please send to order@hknewage.hk