The Way Toward Health

§@ŠĖ: Jane Roberts
In September 1984, the voice that had spoken for one of the most profound and prolific metaphysical teachers of the 20th century fell silent. Seth, the entity who described himself as an nergy personality essence no longer focused in physical matter,?had spoken exclusively thought Jane Roberts since 1963. During the long illness that led to her ealth, Jane continued to channel Seth from her hospital bed, but his final work was left unfinished. Now, more than a decade after Jane passing, her husband, Robert Butts, shares with us the intimate story of Jane final days, and the exquisite teachings that Seth gave during that time. In an examination of the miracle of life in a human body, Seth speaks about: ● Why medicine and therapy often perpetuate illness ● How the practice of naming diseases can work against us ● The influence of religion in creating disease ● How children health is influenced by parent beliefs ● Humor as an effective factor in healing

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