The Secrets of Your Rising Sign

§@ŠĖ: William Lamb with Webb Harris JR.
Your Sun Sign Is Just The Beginning You know what your sun sign isut that only the beginning. To truly understand who you are and how you can best fulfill your destiny your destiny, you need to understand your rising sign as well. Your rising sign is the sign of the zodiac seated on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Your sun sign is who you are insideour soul. But your rising sign is who you are on the outsidehe face you show to the world. To get what you want out of life, you need to reconcile the inner and outer yound with this book, you can do just that! Astrologer William Lamb, the celebrated oroscope Man,?shows you how to : ● determine your rising sign, ● Reconcile the qualities of your rising and sun signs, ● Examine the meaning of your rising sign as it relates to your personal and professional life, ● Capitalize on your strengths revealed by your rising sign, ● Recognize why sometimes you are your own worst enemynd what to do about it, ● Understand your loved one rising signs and how they affect your relationships, ● And much, much more!

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