Essential ¡V that which is most important is our essence.

Essence ¡V the core, the center of who we truly are, a pure mirror-like witnessing consciousness.

Astrology ¡V Science of the movement of the stars.


Essential Astrology is a method of moving from the surface of our personality to the core of our being, it helps us to recognize ourselves in all aspects, from the personality we use in daily life to deeper levels hidden in our character onto life-lessons and to the essence ¡V the being.

Astrology is a science of the movement of the stars, it is a very large clock that tells us what is the mood of the moment. Astrology is popular on the normal level of prediction for your sun-sign, however that is like using a space-rocket to reach the next bus-stop! When we start to use astrology more wisely we discover that our birth-chart is a map of who we are and each planet's position in our chart indicates one aspect of our personality. This is Astro-psychology. In Essential Astrology we go even further, even deeper.

The main method of Essential Astrology is the placement of a large circle on the floor to represent an individual's birth-chart, with signs and symbols for the zodiac signs and the planets. The individual is then invited to step into their chart and become it, to feel the energy of their chart intuitively. This takes us of the mental aspect of astrology in the feeling aspect of it. Surprising it is quite simple and easy for everyone. Quite magically the energy of one's chart can be felt and then explored further through a dialoguing technique based on a Gestalt or Inner Voice Dialogue therapies.

Your Jupiter can communicate how he feels, thinks and operates within your life in the past and present, which opportunities and directions he wants to take. Then the Moon can tell her story of how she feels. If they are aspected harmoniously we would normally expect them to cooperate easily, however as we now emphasize experiencing the planets directly within ourselves we may discover their own story of their inner relationship. At which times of your life do you listen more to your inner Jupiter and ignore your inner Moon. 


This method can be used for the birth chart:

to discover the inner voice of each of the planets, which part of your personality it represents, what is its function how, much space it is getting in your life now in the past and it's need for the future.

This method can be used for transit charts:

to discover which natal planets is now highlighted and very importantly, what is the lesson to be learned now.


Each session within the circle of of the birth-chart, begins and ends with being in the centre, in the space of the essence. When we begin the session the empty space in the the centre of a chart represents the whole personality, the summary of all the different parts of ourselves. Also at the conclusion of a session we return to his summary, and then we experience the most essential minutes at the very end, when we witness we are not the summary of all the parts but we are just a witness, an observer of the drama of personalities on the stages of life. This is meditation. This meditation becomes profoundly deep once we have experienced and listen to all the parts of ourselves.


The aims of Essential Astrology are:

¡P     To transmit to each individual an understanding that astrology shows us that time is an opportunity to learn the lessons of our life, not to avoid "fate" but to go into what life gives us.

¡P     To discover that the planets and the signs of the zodiac represent the "inner voices" of the personality.

¡P     To experience, as well as understand, the process of personal transformation that comes through recognizing all parts of the personality, including the "shadow" sides as represented by the planets that we are less familiar with in our birth chart.

¡P     To experience, as well as understand, the process of transforming our relationship patterns, by recognizing which planets we normal project out onto others.

¡P     To experience that the essential quality of astrology is to bring about a space of watchfulness. The center of the chart reflects the center of our self, the witness. Astrology leads to meditation.


Level 2 course is only for those who have already finished Level 1 course.


Course contents include:



Group Leader -- Samudro Prem (Sarovara)


26th June (Friday) ¡V 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
27th June (Saturday) ¡V 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
28th June (Sunday) ¡V 10:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


Venue: Hong Kong New Age Centre

Course Fee: $5,000 for members ;  $5,500 for non-members (Including your charts, notes & a recording CD of the course) 

Special early-bird offer to Hong Kong New Age Members (to be paid on or before 15th May 2015) ¡V HK$4,500 (Including your charts, notes & a recording CD of the course) 


** Members can enjoy extra discounts during Early-bird offer period if they register for Essential Astrology Level 2 AND/OR Transformation for the 5th Chakra: Communication, Creativity & Conditioned Beliefs AND/OR Aura-Soma Level 1 AND/OR Inner Voice Dialogue
Extra HK$300 discount upon registration of ANY 2 courses
Extra HK$600 discount upon registration of ALL 3 courses
Extra HK$1,000 discount upon registration of ANY 4 courses
Extra discounts will only be applicable if the total fee of the courses are paid at the same time before the early-bird offer ends!**


Samudro will also be leading the following workshops in June to July 2015:

26-28 June 2015 -- Essential Astrology Level 2

30 June to 5 July 2015 -- Transformation for the 5th Chakra: Communication, Creativity & Conditioned Beliefs

7-12 July 2015 -- Aura-Soma Level 1

17-19 July 2015 -- Inner Voice Dialogue

Personal Sessions by Samudro are also available.



Sāmudro was born in England in 1960, his spiritual search began in teenage years.

He is a holder of Professional Diplomas (Distinction) in Counselling and in Psychology from Oxford College (ODL), UK.

He is Director of Osho Energy Transformation Institute, and has been an Osho Therapist & Meditation Facilitator for 28 years, and is well known for his work in Chakra Energy groups as well as Childhood and ReBirth groups. He has trained in Family Constellations with Bert Hellinger, with a Testimonial Certificate from Hellinger Sciencia®.

Sāmudro is also a fully qualified Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System® Teacher (Advanced Level) and Personal Presentation Course Teacher.

Further information is available at

For enquiries and registration, please call (852) 31840974 or email to