
Energy is life, life is energy. To experience oneˇ¦s energy is to feel more alive. Sometimes we need to recharge our energy, as the stress of daily life can drain us. To recharge sometimes we need to relax and recuperate but other times we need to discover new sources of energy through an inner exploration.

The chakra system is an ancient wisdom from India that is now recognized worldwide as a fundamental map of human energy. It teaches us that there are seven locations within our body where energy is stored. Each chakra has its own function in our life, just as our ears hear and our eyes see, and our heart pumps blood; our chakras do their work in both the material and spiritual aspects of our lives.

When energy is flowing through our chakras we feel alive and joyful, but energy can also get blocked and then we need to clean our chakras. Our psychological and emotional problems are stored in the chakras as energetic blockages. In this workshop we will use deep conscious breathing as an effective therapeutic technique to release the energetic blocks.

Breath is life. The Indian word Prana is similar to the Chinese word Chi, which in English has to be translated in three words: breath, life and energy.

By breathing more deeply we will get more energy and also become more conscious. Deep conscious breathing works as an amplifier, it helps us see what is hidden inside our unconscious. So through the breathing technique many people spontaneously receive insights into what is happening in their life.


ˇ§Energy is needed, and energy is always beautiful. If you don't know how to use it, it becomes ugly; then it goes on running astray. The energy has to go higher. Sex is the lowest center of your being -- but that is not all: you have seven centers of your being. As the energy moves upwards, if you know the key how to release it upwards, as it moves from one center to another, you feel so many transformations. When the energy comes to the heart chakra, to the center of the heart, you become so full of love you become love. When the energy comes to the third-eye center you become consciousness, awareness. When the energy comes to the last chakra, Sahasrar, you bloom, you flower, your tree of life has come to a fulfillment: you become a Buddha. But the energy is the same.

Don't condemn; don't suppress. Transform. Be more understanding, alert; only then will you be able to enter in totality. And there is no other way; the other way is just to dream and imagine.ˇ¨

Osho - Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol. 5 # 6


This weekend workshop is appropriate for all - for people wishing to get a taste of the ˇ§Transformation of Chakra Energiesˇ¨ series, in which there is a separate workshop for each of the major themes of the chakras, culminating in the Transformational Energy Counselor Training; and for those who have already participated in some Chakra workshops as it is a great refresher course for them.



Group Leader -- Sāmudro


7th July (Friday) ˇV 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
th July (Saturday
) ˇV 9:00 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m.
9th July (Sunday) ˇV 8:00 a.m.
to 7:30 p.m.


Venue: Hong Kong New Age Centre [See Map]


Course Fee: HK$4,500 for members ;  HK$5,000 for non-members

Special early-bird offer to Hong Kong New Age Members (to be paid on or before 26 May 2017) ˇV HK$4,050


** Members can enjoy extra discounts during Early-bird offer period if they register for Transformation for the 2nd Chakra: Love Beyond Dependency AND/OR Chakra Energy Breathing AND/OR Colour Healing for the Inner Child: Aura-Soma & the 5 Body-Types AND/OR Heart Tantra
Extra HK$300 discount upon registration of ANY 2 courses
Extra HK$600 discount upon registration of ANY 3 courses
Extra HK$1,000 discount upon registration of ALL 4 courses

Extra discounts will only be applicable if the total fee of the courses are paid at the same time before the early-bird offer ends!**ˇ@


Sāmudro will also be leading the following workshops in June to July 2017:

27 June - 2 July 2017 -- Transformation for the 2nd Chakra: Love Beyond Dependency

7-9 July 2017 -- Chakra Energy Breathing

21-24 July 2017 -- Colour Healing for the Inner Child: Aura-Soma & the 5 Body-Types

28-30 July 2017 -- Heart Tantra

Personal Sessions by Samudro are also available.



Sāmudro was born in England in 1960, his spiritual search began in teenage years.

He is a holder of Professional Diplomas (Distinction) in Counselling and in Psychology from Oxford College (ODL), UK.

He is Director of Osho Energy Transformation Institute, and has been an Osho Therapist & Meditation Facilitator for 28 years, and is well known for his work in Chakra Energy groups as well as Childhood and ReBirth groups. He has trained in Family Constellations with Bert Hellinger, with a Testimonial Certificate from Hellinger Sciencia®.

Sāmudro is also a fully qualified Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System® Teacher (Advanced Level) and Personal Presentation Course Teacher.

Further information is available at


For enquiries and registration, please call (852) 31840974 or email to


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