Colour Healing for the Inner Child:
® & the 5 Bodytypes


This is a specialized workshop using the Aura-Soma® Colour System for understanding and for experiencing a healing for the Inner Child. Coming from a background of being a teacher of Regression Therapy as well as Aura-Soma, Sāmudroprem has created this workshop that links the New Aeon Child Set of Aura-Soma Equilibrium Oils together with the experience of childhood especially with regard to the psychological conditioning that we experienced in our early years of life.

In Regression Therapy the healing of wounds, that we got during our childhood, comes through a conscious reliving of painful memories and also through discovering that there is an innocent, natural and playful child still within us. Our childhood has not disappeared; the memories are the foundation for who we are now as adults. To become aware of this inner child and to care for its needs is the function of Inner Child Therapy.

In the Aura-Soma Colour System we see that each being comes into a new life to develop to its full potential; that our lifetime is a chance to learn significant life-lessons which we may have started in previous lifetimes or that our higher consciousness has chosen to learn about in this incarnation. These life-lessons are reflected in our attraction to a particular colour. It is as if our being came into this life riding on one particular colour, which we call the ”„Soul Ray.”¦ The soul ray represents how our soul perceived and experienced the earliest period of our life - birth and infancy, whilst another of our selected colours will represent the ”„Personality Ray”¦ and the environment we experienced in the earliest years of life. We can discover these rays through the simple selection of the Aura-Soma colours that we feel the most connection with.

In addition to these personal colours there are more collective colours that represent five developmental stages of the first 7 years of our childhood. Each Aura-Soma bottle with a clear upper fraction is part of Aura-Soma”¦s ”„New Aeon Child Set.”¦ As the upper part of the bottles represent our consciousness whilst the lower parts represent the subconscious, we can say that children have a transparency in their conscious level. They are absorbent or as impressionable as a tabula rasa upon which their parents, family and society can write the script of psychological conditioning. There are five coloured bottle in the New Aeon Child Set with the clear fraction appearing over pink, blue, green, gold and violet. Coincidentally the Bodytypes system is based upon five stages of childhood development. Although these systems have been created independently, they are in agreement that our inner child is greatly influenced during those five stages that occur during our first seven year cycle of life.

The Bodytypes system teaches us that if we experienced any form of trauma in one of those five childhood developmental stages then our life energy becomes fixated at that point. That fixation point then forms the basis of our personality. We are like a flowing river, if unhindered the flow will go smoothly, but traumas create dams that block the river and form lakes or reservoirs. This implies that personality is not so individualistic, as there are five stages at which our life energy can become blocked and five basic personality types that arise from the blockage. The aim of Bodytypes Therapy is to become conscious again of those childhood traumas in order to dissolve them, the break open the dam and let the river of life energy flow again.

In the first three days of this courses we will be exploring the connections between the two systems. We can use both diagnostically. We will learn the physical structures and the personality traits associated with the five developmental stages through the Bodytypes system. Firstly we learn to diagnose our own self before asking others for their vision of our Bodytype. And through the self-selection of Aura-Soma colours we can also form a diagnosis of what occurred in the early childhood.

On the optional attendance fourth day we will use the healing powers of the Aura-Soma oils in a massage application. The massage procedure is based upon the two systems as Aura-Soma oils usually are applied to the chakra locations according to the colours chosen; and the Bodytypes recommends other locations according to where the childhood traumas are usually experienced and stored in the body-mind structure.

This workshop is open to all, however some previous experience of Aura-Soma such as an Introductory Event or an individual consultation, will be helpful. For Aura-Soma Practitioners this Course provides extra skills to add to your repertoire of consultation skills with clients.



Group Leader -- Sāmudro


 21st July (Friday) ”V 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
22nd July (Saturday) ”V 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
 23rd July (Sunday) ”V 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
 24th July (Monday) ”V
10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.


Venue: Hong Kong New Age Centre  [See Map]


Course Fee:
3 days workshop -- HK$5,450 for members ;  HK$6,050 for non-members [A TOTAL OF 3 DAYS]
4 days workshop -- HK$7,000 for members ;  HK$7,780 for non-members [A TOTAL OF 4 DAYS]

Special early-bird offer to Hong Kong New Age Members (to be paid on or before 9 June 2017) ”V HK$6,200  [A TOTAL OF 4 DAYS]


** Members can enjoy extra discounts during Early-bird offer period if they register for Transformation for the 2nd Chakra: Love Beyond Dependency AND/OR Chakra Energy Breathing AND/OR Colour Healing for the Inner Child: Aura-Soma & the 5 Body-Types AND/OR Heart Tantra
Extra HK$300 discount upon registration of ANY 2 courses
Extra HK$600 discount upon registration of ANY 3 courses
Extra HK$1,000 discount upon registration of ALL 4 courses

Extra discounts will only be applicable if the total fee of the courses are paid at the same time before the early-bird offer ends!**”@


Sāmudro will also be leading the following workshops in June to July 2017:

27 June - 2 July 2017 -- Transformation for the 2nd Chakra: Love Beyond Dependency

7-9 July 2017 -- Chakra Energy Breathing

21-24 July 2017 -- Colour Healing for the Inner Child: Aura-Soma & the 5 Body-Types

28-30 July 2017 -- Heart Tantra

Personal Sessions by Samudro are also available.



Sāmudro was born in England in 1960, his spiritual search began in teenage years.

He is a holder of Professional Diplomas (Distinction) in Counselling and in Psychology from Oxford College (ODL), UK.

He is Director of Osho Energy Transformation Institute, and has been an Osho Therapist & Meditation Facilitator for 28 years, and is well known for his work in Chakra Energy groups as well as Childhood and ReBirth groups. He has trained in Family Constellations with Bert Hellinger, with a Testimonial Certificate from Hellinger Sciencia®.

Sāmudro is also a fully qualified Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System® Teacher (Advanced Level) and Personal Presentation Course Teacher.

Further information is available at


For enquiries and registration, please call (852) 31840974 or email to


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