What is tantra? What does it really mean? There are nowadays so many different practices and concepts that are presented under the Tantra label it maybe helpful to return to the original meaning: in Sanskrit the word tantra means ¡¥a loom, weaving.¡¦ We can use those meanings metaphorically for: ¡¥a way of union with the supreme spirit through meditative method and practice.¡¦ But what is being woven into a union?

According the chakra energy system in addition to the seven major energy centres we also consider the nadis which are thread-like channels of energy that rise up through the energy-body. The three major channels are called the Pingala-nadi, Ida-nadi and Sushumna-nadi. Whilst the chakras are ¡¥wheels¡¦ or centres where the spiritual life-energy gathers, the nadis are where the life-energy flows upwards. It is along the right-side channel that our inner masculine life-energy rises (it is equivalently called Yang in Chinese and the Animus in Jungian Psychology), and along the left-side channel is where our inner-feminine life-energy rises (Yin/Anima). These inner male and female energies meet at the central channel at each chakra, however they only fully merge into unity at the seventh chakra at the top of the head. Due to the common state of our human unconsciousness, Avidya, we easily become identified with the gender we are born with and disidentify with the other sexual gender. Social and parental psychological conditioning enhance the sexual identity roles that then affect the natural female and male energies. Thus men think that in order to be really men they should not be women, and thus they disassociate with feminine qualities and subsequently they typically suppress their emotional expression. This then affects their inner energies and formulate blocks in their Ida-nadi and the feminine-positive chakras (second, fourth and sixth.) As the chakra system teaches us that full awakening is only possible when both the inner female and inner male energies have merged together, we can learn that it is important to go beyond our gender identifications. This is the major aim of tantra - to weave together our inner man & inner woman.

Tantra is also known as Vanamarga, the left-hand path, as it is a very feminine approach to spiritual growth. Tantra has been repressed down the ages, such as the famous temples of Khajuraho, India being destroyed and hidden for a thousand years and the general suppression of women worldwide by the masculine traditional religions and social morals. However, as we enter into a New Age feminine power is rising around the world - although in many places women are still terribly repressed. A clear teaching from modern spiritual masters, such as Osho, is that the outer world can only change once our inner world is transformed. Tantra is an inner revolution, it is a very soft rebellion against the one-sided male way of experiencing life. The Anahata, the Heart Chakra as the fourth of the seven is in the middle, thus it can easily access all the chakras. The heart chakra is where it is easiest for us to experience the most positive feminine quality of unconditional love. A love that is limitless and not confined by anything inner or outer. The heart chakra is at the midpoint between what is above and what is below, it is at the border between the spiritual and material worlds. As the heart chakra is naturally such a loving place and it is in the middle of our energy system, it is the easiest place to also begin the spiritual journey of uniting our inner energies.

During this workshop we have the opportunity to experience various tantric methods including those taught by Osho in his famous commentaries on the ancient 112 meditations of Shiva published as the ¡¥Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: The Book of the Secrets.¡¦ As many of these methods are very subtle and require great sensitivity, we will also balance them with more active mediations and Breath Therapy sessions. The path of tantra includes all life themes connected to love and energy. However, instead of focusing on the psychological understanding of love and relationships, as we do in the 2nd chakra and Conscious Relating seminars, in Heart-Tantra we are focusing on the energy flow through the chakras. In this way it is using the ¡¥indirect¡¦ feminine approach towards transformation. Many of the Heart-Tantra techniques, once learned, can be practiced individually at anytime or within the context of a loving union with an intimate partner.



Anahata = Unstruck, which symbolically implies silence, as in an unstruck bell. The name of the fourth chakra.

Avidya = Ignorance, lack of knowing or lack of awareness.

Chakra = Wheel, which is symbolic for a centre where the life energy gathers from several directions and sources. When a chakra is functioning actively it can be perceived as a moving wheel. In the ancient world a cart wheel with spokes was used as a symbol for a chakra. In the modern world we might consider a railway or bus station, or even an airport, as metaphors where multiple roads converge at one point.

Ida = ¡¥Goddess.¡¦ The name of the female energy channel starting at the left foot that rise up whole left side of the body.

Kundalini = ¡¥Coiled snake,¡¦ which is symbolic for the vital life energy that rises up through the chakras.

Muladhara = ¡¥Root receptacle,¡¦ which is symbolic for where the life energy gathers at the first chakra, at the root of the spine in the pelvic region. It is the name of the first chakra.

Nadi = ¡¥River or channel¡¦, which is symbolic for a line of energy that flows up through the body, similar to a meridian.

Pingala = ¡¥Ruddy colour or red.¡¦ The name of the male energy channel starting at the right foot that rise up whole right side of the body.

Sahasrara = ¡¥One-thousand spokes¡¦ of a wheel, the name of the 7th chakra at the top of the head, often also symbolised by a one-thousand petalled lotus.

Tantra = ¡¥Loom, weaving¡¦ or the ¡¥way of union with the supreme spirit through meditative method and practice.¡¦

Vanamarga = ¡¥Left path.¡¦ This alternative name for tantra refers to it being a feminine spiritual path.

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra = Shiva¡¦s scientific methods. This ancient teaching had remained unknown outside of Kashmir until published by American poet Paul Reps in 1957, and Osho¡¦s clearer explanations in 1973.

Yoga = ¡¥Union.¡¦ It refers to the ultimate union of the inner male and female energies at the Sahasrara. Although tantra and yoga have the same aim, their approaches differ with yoga being more of a masculine spiritual path.


This workshop is suitable for anyone, however, especially to those who are interested in tantra practices.



Group Leader -- Sāmudro


28th July (Friday) ¡V 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
th July (Saturday
) ¡V 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
30th July (Sunday) ¡V 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Venue: Hong Kong New Age Centre [See Map]


Course Fee: HK$6,200 for members ;  HK$6,800 for non-members

Special early-bird offer to Hong Kong New Age Members (to be paid on or before 16 June 2017) ¡V HK$5,500


** Members can enjoy extra discounts during Early-bird offer period if they register for Transformation for the 2nd Chakra: Love Beyond Dependency AND/OR Chakra Energy Breathing AND/OR Colour Healing for the Inner Child: Aura-Soma & the 5 Body-Types AND/OR Heart Tantra
Extra HK$300 discount upon registration of ANY 2 courses
Extra HK$600 discount upon registration of ANY 3 courses
Extra HK$1,000 discount upon registration of ALL 4 courses

Extra discounts will only be applicable if the total fee of the courses are paid at the same time before the early-bird offer ends!**¡@


Sāmudro will also be leading the following workshops in June to July 2017:

27 June - 2 July 2017 -- Transformation for the 2nd Chakra: Love Beyond Dependency

7-9 July 2017 -- Chakra Energy Breathing

21-24 July 2017 -- Colour Healing for the Inner Child: Aura-Soma & the 5 Body-Types

28-30 July 2017 -- Heart Tantra

Personal Sessions by Samudro are also available.



Sāmudro was born in England in 1960, his spiritual search began in teenage years.

He is a holder of Professional Diplomas (Distinction) in Counselling and in Psychology from Oxford College (ODL), UK.

He is Director of Osho Energy Transformation Institute, and has been an Osho Therapist & Meditation Facilitator for 28 years, and is well known for his work in Chakra Energy groups as well as Childhood and ReBirth groups. He has trained in Family Constellations with Bert Hellinger, with a Testimonial Certificate from Hellinger Sciencia®.

Sāmudro is also a fully qualified Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System® Teacher (Advanced Level) and Personal Presentation Course Teacher.

Further information is available at www.samudroprem.com


For enquiries and registration, please call (852) 31840974 or email to  registration@hknewage.hk


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